пятница, 28 июля 2017 г.

Хроники Железной Бригады: отчет 3й бронетанковой бригадной боевой группы 4й пехотной дивизии

Переброшенная в начале года в Европу 3 ABCT 4 ID опубликовала свой очередной "боевой листок". Некоторые данные из него, которые, если честно, поражают воображение (выделения мои):

Arrived with our full set of armor equipment Jan. 6, 2017, from Fort Carson, Colorado

Approximately 3,500 Soldiers, 87 tanks, 144 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, 18 Paladin self-propelled artillery (450 tracked vehicles, 900 wheeled vehicles, 650 trailers total)

Transportation included 3 sea vessels, approximately 35 trains, 100 vehicles for the movement of 2,800 pieces of equipment from Germany to Poland

Within 10 days of the first pieces of equipment being offloaded from the ships in Germany, Iron Brigade tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle units were firing live ammunition rounds down range during training in Poland, demonstrating the ability to quickly move and assemble Soldiers and equipment to be ready to fight if needed.

A 40-vehicle tactical convoy drove a distance of 930 km from the port of Bremerhaven, Germany, to reach Zagan, Poland on Jan. 12, 2017 – the brigade’s first ground movement across national borders.

Iron Brigade units have traveled a total of 20,300 km (12,610 miles) via rail, sea, and air from Fort Carson, Colorado, and through 12 NATO Allied and partner nations, demonstrating U.S. Army Europe’s freedom of movement throughout central and eastern Europe.

The brigade has completed large-scale movements (battalion-sized or larger) nine times since arriving to Europe. This includes assembling the entire brigade in Poland upon arrival; moving three combined-arms battalions from Poland to Germany, the Baltics and Black Sea region; moving the brigade headquarters and 3+ battalions from Poland to Germany for Combined Resolve VIII in April; relocating the brigade headquarters and 5 of 7 battalions to Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary for Saber Guardian in June/July; and returning those battalions from the Black Sea region to Germany and Poland. These movements demonstrate U.S. Army Europe’s ability to facilitate the quick assembly of forces to deter aggression.

The 64th Brigade Support Battalion is on pace to move more than 27,000 parts (as big as tank engines) from its supply support activity (SSA) at Grafenwoehr, Germany, to locations as far as Estonia and Bulgaria. That’s 2 1/2 times greater than the BSB’s normal output back home and exceeds all other U.S. Army SSA production.

Since January, more than 250 logistical convoys covering 116,000 km (72,000 miles) have been efficiently and safely conducted to demonstrate the brigade’s ability to self-sustain itself over a 2,500-km area of operations – equivalent to the entire U.S. East Coast (from Maine to Key West, Florida). The BSB safely completed their longest movement, from western Poland to Lithuania (1,875 km round trip), 20 times.

All 212 M1A2 Abrams tank and M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle crews, plus all 18 M109A6 Paladin crews, have fully qualified 288 times during gunnery tables in Europe, with crews notching 208 distinguished or superior qualification scores. All of our maneuver companies will complete a combined arms live fire exercise – confronting a dynamic, near-peer threat in day and night scenarios – by August.

The Iron Brigade has conducted 19 Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises (EDRE), further building our collective ability to “fight tonight,” if the need ever arises. The Brigade command post has “jumped” (changed locations) six times and can move without notices in under an hour.

The Iron Brigade has fired nearly 1 million rounds of ammunition – from tanks and artillery to small arms – on a daily basis during training since conducting our first live fire range in Poland on Jan. 16. Tank and Bradley crews have performed more than 2,800 hours of simulator training, making us arguably the most proficient, lethal and ready unit in the U.S. Army.

Iron Brigade units have conducted 72 community engagements and 83 training events with Allied counterparts, emphasizing our priority to not only train hard with host-nation counterparts but to show we genuinely care about the communities around which we operate. This includes participating in clean-up days in Poland, planting trees on Earth Day in Estonia, visiting orphanages in Lithuania and schools to teach children English (multiple countries), and Soldiers spending their personal time participating in charitable events (Baltics and Black Sea region).

Our Shadow unmanned aerial systems operators have integrated into every collective live-fire training event we’ve conducted, logging 292 flight hours. The Shadow platoon performed their first ever hasty landing on a dirt road on May 16 at Grafenwoehr Training Area; 588th BEB Engineers built another hasty landing strip during a flight of a Shadow during the Combined Resolve VIII combat training center rotation at Hohenfels Training Area, Germany. These hasty operations demonstrated the Iron Brigade’s enablers can fight a “deep fight” while staying just as mobile as the brigade’s combined-arms battalions in a combat situation.

Our team has completed eight hasty brigade-level command post jumps to different locations – we can move command nodes without notice in less than 45 minutes – as we continuously test our agility and ability to respond rapidly to any incident

Among the highlights from the rotation, TF Iron conducted:

9 consecutive days in an immersive, full-spectrum fight vs. a near-peer threat. The multinational brigade was challenged by a conventional opposition force of equal or greater strength in every domain and warfighting function, including a robust cyber capability, social media, unmanned aircraft, special operating forces, air defense, radars and comprehensive indirect fires.

24 total joint area attacks in nine days, featuring coordinated efforts by front-line tank and mechanized infantry units, reconnaissance and surveillance, indirect artillery fires, helicopter close-air support, unmanned aircraft and special operating forces.

3 days straight defending urban areas in which TF Iron did not allow a single breach

7 objectives seized in 48 hours during a coordinated counter-attack

12 brigade-level command post “jumps,” moving the task force headquarters around the battlefield to avoid detection and further demonstrating our mobility goes well beyond our armored maneuver units

7,000 artillery rounds fired, where the brigade emphasized winning the “deep fight” as much as front-line combat

Destroyed 150 tanks, 200 fighting vehicles, 17 artillery – a division’s worth of armor – in nine days

Tank crews demonstrated superb marksmanship and lethality. As examples, one crew recorded a “kill” of an enemy tank from 3,000 meters away; another crew took out 10 tanks in just a couple minutes from their own disabled tank

Составители "листка" пошли еще дальше и перечислили некоторые данные по составу американского контингента в Европе. В частности подтвердился факт переброски в Европу командования 4й пехотной дивизии. Кроме того, публикуются данные по 10 армейской авиабригаде 10й горной дивизии:

- 1800 бойцов + 400 приданных на усиление из батальона ударных вертолетов из Форта Блисс
- 10 вертолетов Чинук
- 50 вертолетов Блэк Хок
- 24 вертолетов Апач

Помимо вышесказанного, перечисляются развернутые склады передового базирования в количестве 4 единицы, каждый из которых должен вмещать вооружения на 1 бронетанковую дивизию. Из отчета не ясно, завершено ли их укомплектование. Снова упоминаются переговоры о строительстве 5го подобного склада в Польше. Кроме того, мы помним про аналогичный склад КМП в Норвегии, которые так же решено расширить до дивизионного размера.



Логистика янки, конечно, снова поражает, то я взял лишь два факта: во-первых, снова вижу подтверждение гипотезы, что янки привезли с собой вооружений как минимум на 2 таких бригадных боевых группы. А во-вторых, это расход боеприпасов. Простая математика дает около 300 единиц на каждого за полгода. Немного. Но если учесть, что бригада бронетанковая, то это внушает - около 4000 единиц боеприпасов на экипаж = более 20 ежедневно. Без выходных и праздников. Очень неплохо.

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